Business Intelligence – MSc

Course Feature
Attendance Full Time, Part Time
Class Description
The MSc Business Intelligence programme is designed to provide you with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in a range of issues and concepts in Business Intelligence.
The programme is designed for graduates from relevant technological subjects (such as Computer Science, Business Information Technology, as well as subject areas where statistical analysis is a core subject) and who wish to explore and gain knowledge pertaining to business intelligence and learn about data analytics from a computing perspective. It provides a robust grounding in key principles and tools, together with a strong focus on industrial applications, and will provide a foundation for either further research or a career applying leading edge software analytics technology.
What’s covered in the course?
You will work collaboratively with tutors, researchers and businesses applying practice-based skills to real-life case studies and live project briefs.
A key aspect of the course philosophy is that the learning experience integrates use of cutting edge technology with investigation of the wider theoretical context. Students will also learn about the skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur in the IT sector.
It is guided by our core values: inclusive education, partnership working, individual opportunity, successful graduate outcomes, excellence and internationalisation. These enduring values are expected to be upheld by all you through, integrity, honesty, trust, fairness and respect towards self and others.
The course’s mission is that “our graduates’ employability is transformed through our globally recognised research, innovative practice and outstanding educational experiences”. This is achieved by delivering a course driven by industry-based and research-led problem-solving and active learning, supported by assessments aligned to the development of knowledge and skills demanded in practice. This means that learning activities are designed to encourage and facilitate your ability to gain employment and sustain a professional career in Data Analytics by building your confidence and skills through hands-on experience and structured feedback to consolidate your learning.
Graduates from the course will be equipped for careers in business intelligence and data analytics which includes the analysis and extraction of information from Big Data from any type of industry and business. The career options for successful graduates from the course include roles as Business Intelligence Analyst, Data Warehousing Specialist, Consultant, Solutions Architect, Data Security Manager and Database Administrator. Studying towards a PhD is an additional option. We have an established data analytics group that can supervise PhD projects.
2 BCU Course Specification PT1243 MSc Business Intelligence V1.01 05/11/2018
The Centre for Enterprise Systems was associated with BCU’s Computer Science and Informatics submission to REF 2014 and the school is now building on its success by recruiting additional research-active staff to the Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence research group within the Centre for Enterprise Systems.
Why Choose Us?
- We provide research-led, practice-driven teaching underpinned by our research projects and strong industrial links.
- Our teaching staff have rich professional experience and are engaged with government and industry, helping to solve complex problems.
- We are home to a Cisco Systems, Oracle academy, and the Microsoft Academy Centre. We are one of Microsoft’s top UK university-based academies and we are a member of the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance. We are also a Cisco ASC (Academy Support Centre) and Cisco Instructor Training Centre (ITC) – one of only 10 such instructor training centres in the UK.