Computing Research Degrees – PhD

Course Feature
Attendance Full Time, Part Time, Distance Learning
Class Description
The School welcomes enquiries relating to hardware of telecommunications, computer networks, games technology, electronic engineering and software engineering. Areas of research in which staff are currently active include gaming, e-business, home automation, learning technologies, intelligent systems, security and forensics, robotics and cloud computing.
Contact the School for more information, or call us on +44 (0)121 331 6400.
What’s covered in the course?
A PhD, “Doctor of Philosophy”, is the highest-level qualification, based on individual and detailed research, resulting in a thesis of about 80,000 words.
The School offers specialist supervision if you wish to pursue research programmes for the award of PhD. You may undertake your research either full-time or part-time. If you are accepted for PhD research you will be assigned to a Director of Studies (your main supervisor) and at least one second supervisor. There will be a programme of training workshops and seminars to support you.
As a research student you will exposed to a versatile range of academics. You will be encouraged to take part in various activities, seminars, to publish in collaboration with your supervisors and to take part in research conferences nationally and (where possible) internationally. The Faculty as a whole also has a growing population of research students who organise social and academic events.
Why Choose Us?
- Expert staff supervisors, keen to help their students succeed
- Encouragement and support for you to publish your work
- Opportunities to support and teach other students, including bringing your new research into their education